TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
Data Source, Main Trigger menu, 3–86
On hardcopies, 3–168
To set, 3–169
DC coupling, Glossary–3
DC offset, 3–201
for DC correction of FFTs, 3–201
with math waveforms, 3–201, 3–219
DC, Main Trigger menu, 3–74
Default Model(s), xiv
Define Inputs, Main Trigger menu, 3–82, 3–85, 3–87
Define Logic, Main Trigger menu, 3–83, 3–85
Delay by Events, Delayed Trigger menu, 3–110
Delay by Time, Delayed Trigger menu, 3–110
Delay by, Delayed Trigger menu, 3–110
Delay measurement, 3–122, Glossary–3
Delay time, Glossary–3
Delay To, Measure Delay menu, 3–122
Delayed Only, Horizontal menu, 3–108
Delayed Runs After Main, 3–68
Delayed Runs After Main, Horizontal menu, 3–22,
Delayed Scale, Horizontal menu, 3–22
Delayed time base, Incompatible with InstaVu, 3–58
DELAYED TRIG button, 3–68, 3–108
Delayed trigger, 3–68, 3–107–3–112
How to set up, 3–108
Delayed Trigger menu, 3–108–3–112
Ch1, Ch2 ..., 3–111
Coupling, 3–111
Delay by, 3–110
Delay by Events, 3–110
Delay by Time, 3–110
Falling edge, 3–111
Level, 3–112
Rising edge, 3–111
Set to 50%, 3–112
Set to ECL, 3–112
Set to TTL, 3–112
Slope, 3–111
Source, 3–111
Delayed Triggerable, 3–68
Delayed Triggerable, Horizontal menu, 3–22, 3–110
Delete Refs, Save/Recall Waveform menu, 3–157
Delete, File Utilities menu, 3–162
Delta Time, Main Trigger menu, 3–98
Derivative math waveform, 3–211
applications, 3–210
derivation of, 3–211
procedure for displaying, 3–211
procedure for measuring, 3–212
record length of, 3–211
Desk Top Publishing, 3–166
Hardcopy, 3–151
Deskew, 3–143, Glossary–3
Deskew, Vertical menu, 3–143
Deskjet, 3–165
Deskjet, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
DeskjetC, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
Differential active probes, D–4
of a derivative, 3–210
waveform, 3–210
Digitizing, Glossary–4
Disk, How to save a hardcopy to, 3–171
Disk drive, 3–160
Display, 2–6
Hardcopy of, 3–164
Options, 3–38–3–62
Record View, 3–71
System, Glossary–4
Display ‘T’ @ Trigger Point, Display menu, 3–41
DISPLAY button, 3–39, 3–44
Display menu, 3–39, 3–44
Color, 3–44
Contrast, 3–40
Cross Hair, 3–42
Display, 3–39
Display ‘T’ @ Trigger Point, 3–41
Dots, 3–39
Dots style, 3–186
Filter, 3–42
Frame, 3–42
Full, 3–42
Graticule, 3–42
Grid, 3–42
Infinite Persistence, 3–39
Intensified Samples, 3–39
Intensity, 3–40
Linear interpolation, 3–42
NTSC, 3–42
Overall, 3–40
PAL, 3–42
Readout, 3–41, 3–43
Settings, 3–39, 3–44
Sin(x)/x interpolation, 3–42
Style, 3–39
Text/Grat, 3–40
Trigger Bar, 3–41
Variable Persistence, 3–39
Vectors, 3–39
Waveform, 3–40
XY, 3–43