B-12 TI-85/TI-86 Graphing Calculators
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
The message that appears tells you to press ENTER
to see the output.
The output is in the form [ t, v(t) ]. We see that v(85) »
If you had wanted to generate a list of values, starting
at a value called TblMin and differing by DTbl, use the
AUTO option in the program.
Press ENTER to re-run the program, choose 1 for AUTO, and
enter the values like those shown to the right.
Pressing ENTER and allows you to see the outputs that
have been generated and their corresponding inputs.
(If you had evaluated several different functions, their
outputs appear in the same order (horizontally) as the
functions in the graphing list.)
TI-86 After entering the function v(t) in y1, choose
the TABLE SETUP menu.
Press TABLE F2 (TBLST) .
To generate a list of values beginning with 80 with
the table values differing by 1, enter 80 in the
TblStart location, 1 in the DTbl location, and choose
AUTO in the Indpnt: location.
Remember that you ÒchooseÓ a particular setting by
positioning the blinking cursor over that setting and
pressing ENTER .
Press F1 (TABLE) , and observe the list of input and
output values. Notice that you can scroll through the
table with , , , and/or .
The table values may be rounded in the table display.
You can see more of the output by moving to the value
and looking at the bottom of the screen.
Return to the TABLE SETUP menu with F1 (TBLST) .
(TblSet). To compute specific outputs rather than a list
of values, choose ASK in the Indpnt: location.
(When using ASK, the settings for TblMin and DTbl do
not matter.)