Chapter 1 B-13
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Press F1 (TABLE) , type in the x-value(s) at which
the function is to be evaluated, and press ENTER .
You can scroll through the table with , ,
, and/or . Unwanted input entries can be
cleared with DEL .
v(85) » $6945
1.2.2 SOLVING FOR INPUT VALUES Your calculator will solve for input values of an
equation that you enter in the SOLVER. You can use any letter you wish for the input
variable when using the SOLVER. (Of course, if you are using a function that is entered in
the graphing list, the input variable is x.) You can even enter an equation consisting of
several variables! You should find your calculatorÕs solver a very valuable tool.
Press 2nd GRAPH (SOLVER) to access the SOLVER.
If there is already an equation in the solver, clear it with
CLEAR . You may need to press to get to the screen
shown on the right before you can clear the old expression.
You can access a function stored in another location,
such as our current y1 = 3.622(1 .093)^X, by pressing
the F-key corresponding to the equation or you can
type in a new equation.
Suppose we want to solve v(t) = 3.622(1.093)
for t
when v = $15,000.
Press ENTER and you will see the last values the
calculator used for y1 and x. Enter 15,000 for y1.
Use and/or to move between locations in
the SOLVER.) The displayed bound gives the values
between which your calculator will look for a solution
to the equation -- just leave the bound
as it is.
Position the blinking cursor on the row corresponding
to the variable for which you want to solve and press
F5 (SOLVE) .
The left side of the equation, y1, evaluated at x » 93.66
and the right side of the equation, 15,000, are subtracted
and displayed in the
row. When this value is 0,
an exact solution (rather than a rounded one) was found.
It is possible to change the bound and/or the tolerance if the calculator has trouble finding a solution to a
particular equation. This, however, should not usually happen. Refer to your OwnerÕs Manual for details.