Chapter 1 B-19
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After setting the proper horizontal view, you can now
use ZFIT to draw a graph of the piecewise function.
You can find function values by evaluating outputs on
the home screen or using the table.
& 1.4 Linear Functions and Models
Actual real-world data is used throughout Calculus Concepts. It is necessary that you use
your calculator to find a curve that models the data. Be very careful when you enter the
data in your calculator because your model and all of your results depend on the values that
you enter!
1.4.1 ENTERING DATA There are several ways to input data in your calculator. Two of
these, entering data from the home screen and entering data using the list editor, are
discussed below. If you do not see the list names L1 and L2 return to the statistical setup
instructions at the beginning of this Guide.
We will explore data entry with the following data:
Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Tax 2541 3081 3615 4157 4703 5242
To enter data from the home screen,
Return to the home screen with 2nd EXIT (QUIT) .
Press 2nd – (LIST) , press F1 ({) to begin the list,
type in each of the x-data values separated
by commas, and end the list with F2 (}) .
Store this list to the name with L1 with STO L