Chapter 1 B-21
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move down one location and a 0 is filled in at the insertion point. Type the data value to
be inserted over the 0 and press ENTER . The 0 is replaced with the new value.
¥ To delete a single data value, move the cursor over the value you wish to delete, and
press DEL . The values in the list below the deleted value move up one location.
1.4.3 DELETING OLD DATA Whenever you enter new data in your calculator, you should
first delete any previously-entered data. There are several ways to do this, and the most
convenient method is illustrated below.
TI-85 Whenever you enter new data in your calculator, you should first delete any
previously-entered data using one of the following methods:
¥ Whenever you enter data from the home screen, previously-entered data is auto-
matically replaced with new data. Thus, {1, 2, 3} STO L2 replaces the ÒoldÓ L2.
¥ When you enter the list editor and there is ÒoldÓ data in the list, position the cursor
over the e1 value and repeatedly press F2 (DELI) until all data is deleted.
TI-86 Access the data lists with STAT 1 (EDIT) .
(You probably have different values in your lists if
you are deleting ÒoldÓ data.)
Use to move the cursor over the name L1.
Use to move the cursor over the name L2.
Repeat this procedure to clear data from any of the
other lists you want to use.
1.4.4 ALIGNING DATA LetÕs now return to the data entered in Section 1.4.1 of this Guide.
Suppose you want L1 to contain the number of years since a certain year (here, 1992) instead
of actual years. That is, you want to align the x-data. In this example, you are to shift all
the data values 1992 units to the left of where they currently are located.
Return to the home screen.
TI-85 Replace the L1 values with L1 - 1992 values
by pressing ALPHA L1 – 1992 STO L ALPHA
1 ENTER . L1 now contains the aligned x-values.