Connecting to a Console Window
2.2 Connecting to a Console Window
You can open a console window that allows you to watch and interrupt
EVM boot messages by following these steps:
1) Connect a serial cable between the serial port on the EVM and the
serial port (for example, COM1) on a PC.
2) Run a terminal session (such as Minicom on Linux or HyperTerminal
on Windows) on the workstation and configure it to connect to that
serial port with the following characteristics:
■ Bits per Second: 115200
■ Data Bits: 8
■ Parity: None
■ Stop Bits: 1
■ Flow Control: None
3) When you power on the EVM, you will see boot sequence messages.
You can press a key to interrupt the boot sequence and type
commands in the U-Boot command shell. In this guide, commands to
be typed in the U-Boot shell are indicated by an
EVM # prompt.