Restoring and Updating the EVM Hard Disk Drive
Additional Procedures A-13
For example, you can create a terminal session with HyperTerminal
or TeraTerm on MS Windows, and Minicom or C-Kermit on Linux.
6) Start an NFS server on the host workstation. This document
assumes the host path /home/user/workdir/filesys contains a file
system that the target EVM can use for root mounting.
A.6.2 Configure EVM for NFS Root Mount
Follow these steps to configure your EVM for an NFS root mount:
1) Configure the Boot Switches (S3) to 1011111110. This is the bank of
switches in the middle of the EVM.
2) Power on the EVM and hit any key to enter U-Boot.
3) Configure bootcmd as follows to boot the Linux kernel via flash.
EVM # setenv bootcmd bootm 0x2050000
Note: If you have flashed a new kernel to the NOR flash at an
address other than 0x2050000, modify this command accordingly.
4) Configure bootargs as follows to root mount the file system from
EVM # setenv rootpath <root directory to mount>
EVM # setenv nfshost <ip address of nfs host>
EVM # setenv bootargs video=davincifb:vid0=720x576x16,
console=ttyS0,115200n8 noinitrd rw ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs
nfsroot=$(nfshost):$(rootpath),nolock mem=120M
The nfsroot option in this command uses the host workstation IP
address. Make sure to replace the <host ip addr> with the actual
address of your host Linux workstation.
5) Optional: Print the U-Boot parameters
EVM # printenv
6) Save the U-Boot parameters
EVM # saveenv
7) Boot EVM from NFS on the host Linux workstation
EVM # boot
8) Log into MontaVista Linux as "root".