Testing the Build Environment
4.8 Testing the Build Environment
To test your DVSDK software installation, you can build one of the Codec
Engine servers. This server is a DSP-side application. Building it tests the
installation of DSP-side development components.
To build the video_copy server, follow these steps:
1) Go to /home/<useracct>/dvsdk_#_#/codec_engine_#_#/examples
and open the build_instructions.html file.
2) Follow the step-by-step instructions for building examples. When you
are editing the xdcpaths.mak file, note that the DVSDK installation
does not include the cetools directory, so you will need to set the
USE_CETOOLS_IF_EXISTS variable to 0, and modify additional
variables to point to the locations of xDAIS, DSP/BIOS Link, CMEM,
and Framework Components.
3) Go to the video_copy server directory.
servers/video_copy) to inspect the built server.
4.9 Using the Digital Video Test Bench (DVTB)
The Digital Video Test Bench (DVTB) is a Linux utility that was developed
to execute end-to-end data flows using the DVSDK for any platform.
DVTB uses the Codec Engine VISA APIs and Linux driver peripheral
APIs to encode and decode video, image, audio and speech streams.
Using DVTB, you can configure codecs and/or peripherals before starting
a data flow. This enables you to try different use case scenarios and
evaluate the system.
The DVSDK installation places DVTB in the
/home/<useracct>/dvsdk_#_#/dvtb_#_#_# directory, where #_#_# is the
DVTB version number).
To install DVTB to the target file system, perform the following steps on
the host machine where the DVSDK has been installed:
1) Make sure the Rules.make file defines PLATFORM correctly as
described in Section 4.6.
2) Perform the following commands:
host $ cd /home/<useracct>/dvsdk_#_#/dvtb_#_#_#
host $ make clean CONFIGPKG=dm6446
host $ make CONFIGPKG=dm6446