Restoring and Updating the EVM Hard Disk Drive
3) Go to the /restore directory.
EVM # cd /restore
4) Set the Linux date variable to today's date. If the date is too far off,
the target file system installation generates warnings for each file it
For example, for 9:00 am on April 18th, 2006, enter 041809002006.
5) Add execute permissions on the prep-hdd script.
EVM # chmod +x prep-hdd
6) Run the prep-hdd script in the /restore directory.
EVM # ./prep-hdd /restore
7) The script will ask for confirmation: "Are you sure you want to
partition and format /dev/hda1?" Type yes.
8) After the HDD restore is complete, shutdown the EVM:
EVM # halt
9) When the "Power down" message is printed in the terminal window,
it is safe to power down the EVM.
10) Restart the EVM and configure U-Boot to root mount via the local
HDD. Follow the steps in Section A.4.1, Booting from Flash Using the
EVM’s Hard Drive File System.
If you instead manually restore the overlay.tar.gz file from disk 1 on an
NFS file system, the demos will likely produce a cryptic error. Although
such manual restores are not documented or recommended, you can
correct the problem by turning off the s-bit as follows:
EVM # cd /opt/dvsdk/dm6446
EVM # chmod u-s ${install}/encode ${install}/decode ${install}/encodedecode \