7. Configuring the IP Address
Before you can access the interface from your web browser or begin using it as a
part of your automation network, you must know its IP address. The interface comes
from the factory configured to obtain an IP address dynamically (DHCP/BOOTP).
You can determine the interface’s current IP address using the discovery software
included on the CD provided with the interface, or available from the ICC homepage
at http://www.iccdesigns.com.
7.1 Via the Finder Utility
To configure the interface to use a static IP address:
1. Connect the interface to your network and apply power to the ASD. When the
interface boots up, it will attempt to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server or,
failing that, will fallback to either the last static IP address assigned, or a default
static IP address of if no static IP address has yet been
2. To determine the initial IP address of your interface, start the ICC FINDER.EXE
discovery utility.
3. The discovery utility scans the network for ICC devices and then lists each
device’s IP Address, MAC Address, Firmware Version and Product ID.
Identify your device by its MAC address (printed on a label on the top of the
Ethernet network jack). Refer to Figure 5.
Figure 5: ICC Finder Discovery Utility
4. To change the IP address, select the device in the list of detected devices and
click the Configure IP Settings button.
5. In the dialog that appears, select Manually configure network settings.