designated register’s current raw value in order to calculate the gauge’s indicated
value. Negative values can also be used if desired.
Min Value: The gauge’s minimum indicated value. Negative values can be used if
desired (e.g. if a negative Multiplier attribute is used to generate a negative indicated
value). Not all gauges allow adjustment of the min value.
Max Value: The gauge’s maximum indicated value. Similar to the Min Value
attribute, negative values can be used if desired. Indicated value characteristics can
even be inverted by setting the Max Value attribute to a value less than the Min
Value attribute.
Update Button: Clicking the update button will apply the current configuration
attribute settings to the gauge. Note, however, that simply updating the gauge’s
current display properties does not write these settings to the interface card’s
filesystem. To save the current configuration of all the gauge windows to the
filesystem, the Dashboard tab’s “submit” button must be selected (refer to section
Current Value: The current indicated value of the designated register is numerically
displayed with the configured Units string at the bottom of each gauge window.
The following is a summary of the different available gauge types:
Gauge: Refer to Figure 54. This type
of meter implements a rotary dial-type
display format. The indicated value
and units are shown numerically on
the face of the gauge, and via the red
indicator needle. The yellow needle
shows the previous indicated value,
thereby providing a simple historical
reference. The “Min Value” attribute is
not configurable; this gauge always
starts at 0.
Figure 54: Gauge