configured to use the network frequency command as its master frequency
command, it will ramp to 50.00Hz.
If timeout/failsafe processing is not desired, just set the “register” fields for all indexes
to 0 (disabled). This is the default condition.
“DEC” and “HEX” selection buttons are also available, and allow changing the “value”
column data display and entry radix between decimal and hexadecimal formats,
respectively. These buttons provide the ability to interact with the various drive
registers in their most natural radix (e.g. a hexadecimal command word vs. a decimal
frequency command value).
10.7.6 Submitting Changes
Whenever any of the configuration
elements has been changed, the
“submit” button located in the right-hand
portion of the web page must be clicked
in order to write these settings to the
interface card’s filesystem.
Note that because these configuration
elements are read from the filesystem
only when the interface card boots up,
the act of submitting configuration
changes will also reset the interface card. Please allow 30 seconds for the interface
card to reboot, at which time it will then be operating with the recently-submitted
configuration. Refer to Figure 31.
Figure 31: Submit Configuration