perfectly acceptable to write to a tag that starts with “rd” and read from a tag that
starts with “wr”.
[_reg_] is just the 5-character sequence “_reg_”.
[register number] is a 1- to 4-character field (“1”, “2”…”1484”, “1485”)
corresponding to the referenced register number.
Read “acceleration time 1” (register #10) ................................... rd_reg_10
Write “option frequency command” (register #1008) .................. wr_reg_1008
Read “inverter status 1” (register #1402) .................................... rd_reg_1402
Additionally, a few special tags exist which provide backward-compatibility with
V1.000 network interface CPU firmware. These are specified in Table 5.
Table 5: Special Tag Reference
Service Tag Name Register Start Same As…
Data table read rd_reg_basic 1 rd_reg_1
Data table read rd_freq_out 1401 rd_reg_1401
Data table read rd_inv_stat1 1402 rd_reg_1402
Data table read rd_torq_out 1419 rd_reg_1419
Data table read rd_inv_stat2 1443 rd_reg_1443
Data table write wr_reg_basic 1 wr_reg_1
Data table write wr_cmd1 1007 wr_reg_1007
Data table write wr_freq_cmd 1008 wr_reg_1008
Data table write wr_cmd2 1024 wr_reg_1024
Data table write wr_torq_cmd 1034 wr_reg_1034
To read data from the interface card, the application PLC program must reference a
“source element” from which to start reading and the “number of elements” to read.
The “source element” will be a tag name constructed according to the naming
convention shown above, or a special tag as shown in Table 5. The “source
element” can be either a base tag (such as “rd_reg_1301”, which starts at register
1301), or an offset from a base tag (such as “rd_reg_1301[4]”, which starts at
register 1301+4 = register 1305, the drive’s input voltage monitor register).
In a similar manner, to write data to the interface card, the application PLC program
must reference a “destination element” to which to start writing and the “number of
elements” to write. Again, the “destination element” will be a tag name constructed
according to the naming convention shown above, or a special tag as shown in Table
Whether reading or writing, the “number of elements” can be any quantity of registers
from 1 to the maximum allowable length (1485).