70 Installing User Software on a Mac OS Computer
The Fonts on the User Software CD includes screen and printer fonts that correspond
to the 136 built-in PostScript printer fonts on the GA-1040. The Font installer copies
both kinds of fonts to the System folder:Fonts folder on your hard disk. To be available
to applications, the screen fonts must remain in the System:Fonts folder. The printer
fonts can be copied to a folder of your choice.
NOTE: In the System:Fonts folder, when displayed by Kind, screen fonts appear as type
“Font Suitcase” and PostScript printer fonts appear as type “PostScript
1. On the User Software CD, double click the Fonts icon to launch the Fonts installer.
2. Click Install.
By default the fonts are installed to the System folder:Fonts folder on your hard disk.
If you have any applications open, you must quit and relaunch them before the newly
installed screen fonts are available.