Page 20 of 22 FileServ Version 4.3—600726 Rev A
Contents of Version 4.0
• Initial release of FileServ on the following operating systems:
- Solaris Version 7.0.
> Supports Veritas Vxfs Version 3.3.2 (CR #334).
- IRIX Version 6.5.4 and 6.5.5.
• FileServ no longer supports the following operating systems:
- Solaris Version 2.6.
- IRIX Versions 6.5, 6.5.2, and 6.5.3.
• Initial support of the drives below. To update the system parameters to reflect the proper capacity, see
“Update sysparm File with Media Capacity” on page 7 of these "Release Notes." and “Modify
IRIX Kernel for SONY DTF-2 Drive” on page 7 ofthese"ReleaseNotes."ofthese“ReleaseNotes.”
- Sony Advanced Intelligent Tape-2 (AIT-2) Series: Model SDX-500 (CR #358).
- IBM 3590E1A (CR #374).
• Added drive retries because of media read errors.
• Support for a new HTML web interface for FileServ functionality. The web server provided with this
interface is Apache. For instructions on accessing this interface, see the
/fs/www/web.config.README file installed during the installation process.
- Security issues are summarized below:
> The following factors determine what FileServ functionality is available to users of the HTML
interface: (1) what user and group the httpd daemons are running as, (2) permissions on the
HTML executables, and (3) whether or not the HTML directories are password-protected.
> By adjusting the above factors, the system administrator has a lot of flexibility over how much
of the FileServ functionality can be made available with the HTML interface.
> By default, the HTML interface is not valid for commands that require root permission.
> All traffic sent via Apache, including passwords, are sent as plain text using SSL (Secure Socket
Layer), the industry standard encryption for web transmission. To provide security via SSL for
Apache, search the web for “SSL” or “Apache” information.