AMX 86 Frozen Dessert Maker User Manual

AMX Timing Control
The AMX service procedures which can be called from a Timer Procedure include the
ajtrig AATRIG Start (trigger) a task with no message
ajsend AASEND Start a task by sending it a message at one of 4 priorities
ajwake AAWAKE Wake a task which is waiting
ajsgnl AASGNL Signal a task
ajtmcre AATMCRE Create an interval timer
ajtmdel AATMDEL Delete an interval timer
ajtmrd AATMRD Read an interval timer
ajtmwr AATMWR Start/stop an interval timer
ajtmcnv AATMCNV Convert milliseconds to system ticks
ajsmsig AASMSIG Signal to a semaphore
ajevsig AAEVSIG Signal one or more events in an event group
ajmxsnd AAMXSND Send message to message exchange
ajbget AABGET Get a buffer from a specific pool
ajbfre AABFRE Free a buffer
Circular List Manager services
Linked List Manager services
The following conditions exist when the Timer Procedure is called by the AMX Kernel
Interrupts are enabled.
All registers are free for use.
DS,ES DGROUP segment
SS:SP AMX Kernel Stack ready for use
BP Offset of parameters on stack
The direction flag is set to forward.