13 / 13 EN
5 Cleaning and Care
WARNING: You may cause a fire if
you do not follow the instructions on
the cleaning and replacement of the
filters of your hood.
5.3 Replacement of the lamp
2 pieces of 20 W halogen lamps are used in your
hood. Prior to replacement of lamp, unplug the
appliance or turn the main switch off or loosen
the fuse that supplies the hood or turn it off. To
remove the holder of the halogen lamp, take the
lamp holder out by rotating it counterclockwise.
Be careful not to drop the lamp holder during this
operation. After replacing the lamp, install the lamp
holder by rotating it clockwise following the reverse
order of the removal procedure. We advise you to
install the new lamp with a piece of cloth or gloves.
Contacting halogen lamps with bare hands will
reduce their service life.
• You may procure lamps from Authorized Dealers.
If you need to transport the unit:
• Keep original package. Transport the unit with its
original package, and follow the transport mark-
ings on the original package.
If you do not have the original package:
• Do not put heavy objects on the hood.
• Protect the outer surface from impacts.
• Pack the unit so that it would not be damaged
during transport.
Hood / User Manual