We recommend limiting the weight
of meats and poultry to be roasted
to 4.5 lbs (2kg). However the
actual maximum weight will vary
depending on the type, cut, shape
and size of the meat.
Your customized ROAST temperature
and time settings will remain in
the memory of the oven until you
change them or unplug the oven from
the power outlet. When the oven is
plugged back into the power outlet,
the ROAST function will automatically
return to the preset temperature of
‘350˚F’ and preset time of ‘1:00 HRS’.
Press the START/CANCEL button
to activate this setting. The button
surround will illuminate red, the oven
alert will sound and the LCD will
illuminate orange
6. The LCD screen will indicate a blinking
‘PREHEATING’. Once the preheating
cycle has completed, the temperature
alert will sound.
7. Place food, positioned on the Breville
enamel baking pan or in an oven-proof
dish, on the center of the wire rack so air
fl ows around the sides of the food.
The outer surface of the oven,
including the oven door, is hot during
and after operation. Always use
protective hot pads or insulated oven
mitts when inserting, removing or
handling items from the oven.
Performance may be improved with
the purchase of the Breville enamel
broil rack accessory. When roasting,
the Breville enamel broil rack may be
inserted into Breville enamel baking
pan. When assembled together, the
broil rack is designed to drain grease
and fats away from meats for healthier
cooking. The baking pan collects
these pan drippings and helps prevent
After the PREHEATING alert has
sounded, the timer will automatically
begin to count down in one minute
increments. The temperature and time
can be adjusted during the roasting
cycle by pressing the down and up
arrows or A BIT MORE™. Toggle
between the temperature and time LCD
screen by pressing either the TEMP or
TIME button.