• For questions regarding the use of oven
safe and specialty bakeware in compact
ovens, please contact the bakeware
manufacturer directly.
• Caution should be exercised when using
pans and dishes constructed of materials
other than metal. If using ceramic or
glass pans or dishes it is important that
they are oven safe to prevent cracking.
• Citric acid, found in foods such a orange,
lemon and lime juice, may damage
the porcelain enamel fi nish of the
baking pan. When cooking foods with
high citric acid content, we strongly
recommend lining the enamel surface
with foil or baking paper to extend the
life of these accessories.
• Caution should be exercised when using
metal foil to cover accessories, pans,
and dishes. Be sure that the metal foil
is fi tted securely as close contact with
the oven’s heating elements can cause
overheating and risk of fi re.
• When using metal foil to cover
accessories, pans, and dishes, it is
recommended that the wire rack be
in the middle or bottom rack height
position. This is to minimize the risk of
the metal foil coming into contact with
the top heating elements.
• Caution should be exercised when using
lids in the oven, as pressure build up
in a covered pan or dish may cause hot
ingredients to expel or the dish to crack.
• Due to the high temperatures of the
oven, Breville does not recommend
placing the oven in enclosed areas.
Placing the oven in an enclosed area,
such as a cabinet or wall recess may
cause overheating of the appliance,
surface damage and wall discoloration
due to radiated heat and steam from
around oven door.