Chang Yue Industrial KN-8828P Coffeemaker User Manual

1 243 3:00 0
2 297 3:00 0
3 333 :01 0
4 351 :30 0
5 369 2:59 1
6 394 3:00 2
7 412 3:00 2
8 415 3:00 3
Advanced Manual Control
For those looking for a more precise control over their roasts there are methods that can be used to
modify the roast profi le while the coffee is roasting. This procedure will take a bit of practice and experi-
ence because you will need to predict the end of fi rst crack, but with time this method can help achieve
superior results. The following Program can be used to achieve a roast that is about 15:30 to 16:30 in length
(depending on roast level desired):
Total Program = 18:30
Begin the roast normally, allowing the roaster to preheat and add the beans when the KN-8828P
signals you to do so. Allow the roast to progress, controlled by the Program. First crack will begin at about
6:00 to 5:30 remaining and this is the time to pay closer attention *1. When fi rst crack is getting close to
its end (at about 5:00 to 4:00 remaining) use the “-” control to lower the temperature to below its present
level, thus turning off the heating element. Use the Segment display (you will be in Segment 7 at this
time) to judge the set level compared to the current temperature. When fi rst crack ends be sure to note the
remaining amount of time.
When Segment 7 ends and Segment 8 begins it may be necessary to lower the Segment temperature
again to keep the heating element off. When about two minutes since the end of fi rst crack have elapsed,
use the “+” button to increase the temperature to its maximum for Segment 8. Allow the roast to progress
to the level you desire and then manually eject the beans. For espresso try waiting until Second crack is
“rolling” (extremely active) for about ten seconds. For other methods of brewing try ejecting the beans
earlier in second crack. Experiment to fi nd the taste that suits your brewing method and personal prefer-
Using the manual control to modify the roast and extend the time between fi rst and second crack
extends this critical development period in the roasting process, and will help you get the best from your
Programmed Temperature
Currently Achieved Temperature
Lower Temperature to
Below Currently Achieved Level.
(This bar will be fl ashing)
*1 - All times are estimates and will vary depending on total bean mass, ambient air temperature, ambient humidity,
line voltage, condition of rear fi lter, and other factors.