Notable nutrients based on daily percentages:
Vitamin A 24% •Vitamin C 72% • Beta Carotene 691mcg
Apple Ginger Fizz
This beverage is super gingery. Cut back on the
amount of ginger if a less sharp drink is preferred.
Makes 2 servings
1 one-inch piece of ginger
1 medium apple
8 ounces seltzer or sparkling water
1. Turn the Cuisinart
Juice Extractor to speed 5.
Turn the unit on and juice the ginger and apple.
2. Stir juice and add the seltzer. Pour over ice and
serve immediately.
Nutritional information per 6-ounce serving:
Calories 82 (2% from fat) • carb. 21g • pro. 0g
• fat 0g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod 16mg
• calc. 6mg • ber 2g
Notable nutrients based on daily percentages:
Potassium 97mg
Cucumber Mint Cooler
Use garden-fresh cucumbers for this warm
weather cooler.
Makes two 6-ounce servings
1 kiwi, about 4 ounces
1 cup grapes
½ lime, peeled, about ½ ounce
½ cucumber, about 6 ounces
1 cup packed mint leaves
½ ounce fresh ginger, about a 1-inch
Turn the Cuisinart
Juice Extractor to speed 1. Turn
the unit on and juice the kiwi, grapes and lime.
2. Increase to speed 4 and juice the cucumber, mint
and ginger.
3. Stir juice and serve immediately.
Nutritional information per serving (6 ounces):
Calories 95 (6% from fat) • carb. 23g • pro. 2g
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 9mg
• calc. 74mg • fiber 1g
Notable nutrients based on daily percentages:
Vitamin A 15% • Vitamin C 105%
Papaya Pineapple “Smoothie”
This tropical blend is loaded with great enzymes
that aid in digestion.
Makes about 12 ounces
2 cups papaya, peeled, with seeds
1 cup mango, peeled and pit removed
½ lemon, peeled, about ¾ ounce
2 cups pineapple, skin and core
1. Turn the Cuisinart
Juice Extractor to speed 2.
Turn the unit on and juice the papaya and mango.
2. Increase to speed 3 and juice the lemon and
3. Stir juice and serve immediately.
Nutritional information per serving (12 ounces):
Calories 369 (3% from fat) • carb. 96g • pro. 4g
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 15mg
• calc. 128mg • fiber 3g
Notable nutrients based on daily percentages:
Vitamin A 90% • Vitamin B6 31% • Vitamin C 564%
• Folate 44%
Tropical Power Juice
Makes two 6-ounce servings
1 medium orange, peeled
1 mango, peeled and pit removed
1 peach, pit removed
6 strawberries, hulls removed
1 tablespoon protein powder
Turn the Cuisinart
Juice Extractor to speed 2. Turn
the unit on and juice all fruits in the order listed.
2. Pour juice into a blender or sealable container.
3. Add protein powder and blend or shake up.
Serve immediately.
Nutritional information per 6-ounce serving:
Calories 148 (4% from fat) • carb. 33g • pro. 6g
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod 52mg
• calc. 57mg • ber 1g
Notable nutrients based on daily percentages:
Vitamin A 22% • Vitamin C 141% • Riboavin 24%
• Thiamin 30%