Solutions To Common Problems
Before you call...
If you experience a problem with your refrigerator or notice a product behavior or condition you do not
understand, you can usually avoid a call to your service representative by referring to this section for
an answer. Beginning with the following table, this information includes common problems, causes, and
suggested solutions.
Running Your Refrigerator
Problem Cause Correction
Compressor does not
Cooling system is turned Off. •
Refrigerator is in defrost •
Plug at wall outlet is •
House fuse blown or tripped •
circuit breaker.
Power outage.•
Turn cooling system On. See Controls •
Section for location of cooling system On/
Off button.
This is normal for a fully automatic defrost •
refrigerator. The defrost cycle occurs
periodically, lasting about 30 minutes.
Ensure plug is tightly pushed into outlet.•
Check/replace fuse with a 15 amp time-•
delay fuse.
Reset circuit breaker.
Check house lights. Call local Electric •
Refrigerator runs too
much or too long.
Room or outside weather is •
Refrigerator has recently been •
disconnected for a period of
Automatic ice maker is •
Doors are opened too •
frequently or too long.
Refrigerator/freezer door may •
be slightly open.
Freezer control is set too cold •
(control found in fresh food
Fresh food/freezer gasket is •
dirty, worn, cracked, or poorly
It’s normal for the refrigerator to work •
longer under these conditions.
It takes 8-12 hours for the refrigerator to •
cool down completely.
Ice maker operation causes refrigerator to •
run slightly more.
Warm air entering the refrigerator causes it •
to run more. Open doors less often.
Ensure refrigerator is level. Keep food •
and containers from blocking door. See
Problem section, Opening/ Closing of
Doors/ Drawers.
Set freezer control to warmer setting until •
refrigerator temperature is satisfactory.
Allow 24 hours for temperature to stabilize.
Clean or change gasket. Leaks in door •
seal will cause refrigerator to run longer in
order to maintain desired temperatures.
Compressor does not
Electronic control system •
keeps the refrigerator at a
constant temperature.
This is normal. Refrigerator goes on and off •
to keep temperature constant.
Digital temperature
displays are flashing.
Electronic control system •
has detected a performance
Call your Electrolux service representative, •
who can interpret any messages or number
codes flashing on the digital displays.