Cold Drink Center (327/328) Operator’s Guide
3280020 Page 31 August, 2003
Some examples:
- Forced vend; NO change returned without a purchase.
- Returns change without purchase if all accepted coins are
less than .25 denomination or have a payout tube. Acceptance of a dollar
coin will not cause a Force Vend if the coin mechanism has a dollar coin pay
out tube. Otherwise, accepting a dollar coin or accepting and stacking of a
dollar bill will cause a Force Vend.
- Bills and non-escrowed coins less than or equal to $1.00 will
be changed without purchase. All escrowed coins are returned.
Use the keypad to enter a value for the change number.
2. Press until one of the following is displayed:
< -Accept any bill of value $X.XX or less, regardless of available
change. Hold the last bill that meets or exceeds maximum
price in escrow. (This setting is normally used.)
-Accept any bill of value $X.XX or less, regardless of available
change. Immediately stack the last bill.
Example: If setting is and maximum price is $1.50. This set-
ting will immediately stack the second $1.00 bill inserted.
3. Press to display the desired choice.
4. The value of "X.XX" has two purposes:
a. The value of "X.XX" tells the machine how big a bill or coin to accept
even though there is not enough change in the coin mech to cover all
possible paybacks.
For example, enter 1.00. Therefore, the machine will take a dollar bill or
coin even though there is less than $1.00's worth of change. Entering
5.00 tells the machine to take a five even though there is less than
$5.00's worth of change, and so forth.
This could cause a customer to be short-changed.
Entering 0.00 means that bills or coins not held in escrow or in a tube will
only be accepted if there is enough change to cover them.
b. The value of "X.XX" tells the machine how much the customer is allowed
to overbuy a product. The customer will be short-changed when an
overbuy occurs.