Digital clock
Clock numbers show hours (0-24) and
Upon immediate hooking up of the oven or
after a blackout, three zeros will flash on
the programmer panel.
To set the hour it is necessary to push
simultaneously the + buttons and
AT THE SAME TIME to push the [+] button
or [-] until you have set the exact hour.
The regulation speed depends on the pressure
exercised on the [+] [-] buttons.
Manual cooking without using the
To use manually the oven, that is, without
the auxiliary programmer, it is necessary to
cancel the flashing «AUTO» by pushing
the button.
If «AUTO» is always flashing (it means a
cooking program is still memorized) it is
necessary to cancel the inserted cooking
program by pushing the button until
setting the clock on zero.
Automatic cooking (start and end)
1) Set the length of cooking time by pushing
the button.
2) Set the end of cooking time by pushing
the button.
3) Set temperature and cooking program by
using the thermostat knob and the selector
After this setting the symbol «AUTO» will
flash, this means the oven has been
An example
: cooking lasts 45 minutes and
is expected to stop at 14.00.
- Push until having set 0.45.
- Push until having set 14.00.
After having finished the setting, the clock
hour will appear on the panel and «AUTO»
symbol will flash permanently. This means
the cooking program has been memorized.
At 13.15 h. (14.00 h. minus 45 minutes )
the oven turns on automatically.
During cooking time the button and
«AUTO» are flashing.
At 14.00 h. the oven turns off automatically,
a buzzer goes on until it is stopped by
pushing the button.