2.6.2 CM7 and ATO Wiring Harnesses (Refer to wiring diagram on page 1-49.)
* 807-4546 Computer Communication (used from Computer to Computer)
* 807-4655 FV Harness RTD Medium (used from RTD to ATO Board)
* 807-4654 FV ATO/RTD Probe
* 807-4553 ATO Power (used from Transformer to ATO Board)
* 807-4719
ATO Pump and JIB (used from ATO Board to Top-off Pump and JIB Reset
* 807-4718 FV ATO Solenoid Harness
* 807-4555 ATO Yellow LED (used from ATO Board to Yellow LED)
* 807-4573
Computer Locator Wire (used from Computer to Interface Board) See wiring
diagram 805-1734 for locator pin positions.
* 807-4552
Communications Terminator (used on Computer pin J6 and ATO board pin
J10 to terminate network)
807-4657 Jumper (used on 4 and 5 battery ATO board plug J5 pin 7 and 8)
* 106-9256SP Long Top-off Power (used between Component Box to ATO Box)
* 807-4660PK SMT Pin Service Repair Kit
* 230-2345 SMT Pin Extractor
* Not illustrated.
See page 1-31 and 1-37 for Pin Positions.