About the MyPlate.qov (MyPyramid) Feature.
7 8 9
NOTE: Do not use the sensor features twice in
succession on the same food porLion. If food
is undercooked after the first countdown, use
TIHE COOK for additional time.
PlyPlate.gov (PlyPyramid)
Allowsyou to microwave healthy food choices
byservings or with sensor.
B PressMyPlate.gov (MyPyramid)pad.
[] Enterthe food type. SeeCookingGuide for
MyPlate.gov(MyPyramid)below for codes
or check the display for food types.
[] Enterthe amount as prompted for non-
sensor food selections.
best results do not open the door while
[] PressSTART.
For non-sensor foods, you may open the door
during cooking to check the food. Closethe
door and pressSTARTto resume cooking.
Cooking Guide for MyPlate.gov (MyPyramidJ Feature
NOTE: Use power level 10 unless otherwise noted.
First Choice Second Choice Third Choice
1 - Grain 1 - Rice 1 - 1/2 cup, 2 - 1 cup, 3 - 1 1/2 cups
2 - Oatmeal 1 to/4 packets
3 - Popcorn 1 - loz, 2 - 3.0 ozs, 3 - 3.5 ozs
/4- Macaroni 1 - 1/2 cup, 2 - 1 cup, 3 - 1 1/2 cups
5 - Ouinoa 1 - 1/2 cup, 2 - 1 cup, 3 - 1 1/2 cups
2- Vegetables 1 - Asparagus 1 - Fresh, 2 - Frozen, 3 - Canned
2 - Broccoli 1 - Fresh, 2 - Frozen
3 - Green Beans 1 - Fresh, 2 - Frozen, 3 - Canned
/4- Carrots 1 - Fresh, 2 - Frozen, 3 - Canned
5- Corn 1 - Fresh Cobs (1 to 4),2 - Frozen Kernals, 3 - Canned
6 - Peas 1 - Frozen, 2 - Canned
7 - Potatoes 1 - Baking, 2 - Sweet
8 - Spinach 1 - Fresh, 2 - Frozen, 3 - Canned
3 - Ground Heat
4 - Poultry 1 - Bone-in Chicken
2 - Bonless Chicken
5 - Seafood 1 - Whitefish
2- Tilopia
3- Salmon