Shelf (on some models).
Shelf (on some models)
Onlyuse microwave shelf when reheating on
more than one level. DO NOTstore the oven
shelf in the microwave.
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How to Usethe Shelf When Microwaving:
• Makesure the shelf ispositioned properly
insidethe microwave to prevent damage
to the ovenfrom arcing.
For best results
Jneven resul
° Donot use a microwave Drowning alsn on
the shell Theshelf could overheat.
° Donot use_neoven wl_nme shelf on me
microwave floor. Thiscoula aamage me
• Usepot holders when handling the shelf- it
may be hot.
• Do not usethe shelf when cooking popcorn.
Food microwaves best when placed on the
turntable or on the shelf inthe lower position.
Uselower shelf supports when cooking one
oblong or oversizeddish.
Usethe uppershelf supports for two-level
2-level reheating
Shelf and Reheating
2, '
Switch places after 112 time
To reheat on 2 levels or
Switch places after 112 time
To reheat 2dishes on the lower level:
_!1 Multiply "enea__lmeoy 1 V2.
[] Switch places after ½the time.
Switch places twice
To reheat on 3 levels Ion some models)
ill Double the reheating time.
[] Switch places twice and give the dishesa
½ turn during reheating. (Placedense
foods,or those that require a longer cook
time,on the upper shelffirst. )