About the sensor microwave features.
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Family Snacks
UsetheFamilySnacks featuretocookfroma
varietyof pre-programmedfamilysnackitems.
[] PresstheFamilySnacksbutton.
[] Enterthenumberpad toselectoneoftheeight
[] Enter an amount for the snack selected.
[] PressSTART/PAUSEto start cooking.
First Choice Second Choice
1 - Burrito 1to 3
2 - Chicken Nuggets 1 to 2 servings
3 - Oatmeal ito 4 packets
4 - Instant Macaroni and Cheese i to 2 servings
5 - Canned Pasta i to 2 cans
6 - Hot Dogs i to 4
7 - Pizza (5 inch)
8 - Hot Chocolate 1 to 3 cups
Soften ]
Soften (on some models_
Usethe Soften feature to soften certain pre-
programmed foods:
[] Press the Soften button.
[] Enter the number pad to select one of the
soften options.
[] Enter an amount for the food selected.
[] Press START/PAUSE to start cooking.
First Choice Second Choice
1 - Butter 1 - 1/2 Stick; 2 - 1 Stick;
3 - 2 Sticks
2-CreamCheese 1-3ounces; 2-8ounces;
3 - Ice Cream 1- 1 pint; 2 - i quart;
Soften ]
Soften/Melt (onsome models)
[] PresstheSoften/Meltbutton. Pressonetime
forsoftenandtwotimesfor mett.
[] Enterthenumberpad toselectoneofthe
softenor mettoptions.
[] Enter an amount for the food selected.
[] PressSTART/PAUSEto start cooking.
First Choice Second Choice
1 - Butter 1 - 1/2 Stick; 2 - 1 Stick;
3 - 2 Sticks
2- Caramel 1- 4 ounces; 2- 8 ounces;
3 - 12 ounces; 4 - 16 ounces
3 - Chocolate 1 - 4 ounces; 2 - 8 ounces;
3 - 12 ounces; 4 - 16 ounces
4- Marshmallows 1- S ounces; 2- 8 ounces;
3 - 10 ounces; 4 - 16 ounces