Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's
• Toreduce the riskof fire in the oven cavity: •
- Donot overcook food. Carefullyattend
appliance when paper, plastic or other •
combustible materials are placed insidethe
ovenwhile cooking. •
- Removewire twist-ties and metal handles
from paper or plastic containers before
placingthem inthe oven. •
- Donot usethe oven for storage purposes. •
Do not leavepaper products, cooking
utensils or food in the ovenwhen not in use.
- Donot pop popcorn inyour microwave
oven unlessin a special microwave popcorn
accessory or unlessyou use popcorn
labeledfor use inmicrowave ovens.
- Ifmaterials insidethe oven ignite,keep
the oven door closed,turn the oven off
and disconnect the power cord, orshut off
power at thefuse or circuit breaker panel. If
the door isopened, the fire may spread.
- Donot usethe SensorFeaturestwice in
successionon the same food portion. Iffood
isundercooked after the first countdown,
useCOOKBYTIMEfor additional cooking
- Donot usethe oven to dry newspaper.
• Thermometer--Do not use regular cooking
or oven thermometers when cooking by
microwave. The metal and mercury in these
thermometers could causearcing and
possibledamage to the oven. Do not usea
thermometer in food you are microwaving
unlessthe thermometer is designedor
recommended for usein the microwave
• Donot store any materials, other than our
recommended accessories,in thisoven
when not inuse.
• Donot store this appliance outdoors. Donot
usethis product near water-for example,
in a wet basement, near a swimming pool,
near a sink or insimilar locations.
Keeppower cord away from heated
Do not immerse power cord or plug in
Do not block orcover any openings on the
This microwave is not approved or tested
for marine use.
Usethis appliance only for its intended use
asdescribed in this manual.
Do not use corrosivechemicals orvapors in
this appliance.
This microwave oven isspecifically designed
to heat, dryor cook food, and isnot
intended for laboratory orindustrial use.
• Some products such as whole eggs and
sealedcontainers-for example,closed
jars-are able to explode and should not be
heated inthis microwave oven. Such useof
the microwave oven could result
in injury.
• Itis important to keepthe area cleanwhere
the door sealsagainst the microwave. Use
only mild, non-abrasive detergents applied
with a clean sponge or softcloth. Rinsewell.
• Thisappliance must only be serviced by
qualified service personnel.Contact nearest
authorized servicefacility for examination,
repair oradJustment.
• Aswith any appliance, closesupervision is
necessarywhen used bychildren.
• Donot store anything directly on top of
the microwave oven surface when the
microwave oven isinoperation.
• Donot mount this appliance over asink.
• Donot letthe cord hang over edge of
Do not use paper products inoven when
appliance isoperated in any cooking mode
except microwave only.