Using Your Coo top
I_adianl ( ooklop
k)zult code
If }lIl elTOI" OCC(II'S in tile control operation, a
tault code will flash and tile control will signal.
To correct:
1. Touch tile _-) (CONTROl, I,OCK) pad to
reset tile control.
2. Attempt to set tile control to tile desired
settin ,
cooking _
3. If tile error is not cleared, allow tile cooktop
to cool completel).
4. Alter cooling, touch tile _ (CONTROI,
I,OCK) pad again to reset tile control. Again
attempt to set tile control to tile desired
cooking setting.
5. If tile error is still not cleared, turn off tile
cooktop power at tile circuit breaker or fllse
box for (tile Illintlte.
6. If tile error reappears, call fin" serxice.
Loching the
IMPORTANT: As a convenience, you can lock
tile entire cooktop at any time when it is not in
use or before cleaning. I,ocking tile cooktop
will prevent s/irl_lce tlllits fl'Olll being ttlrned on
To lock the cooktop:
Touch and hold tile (@ (CONTROl, I,OCK)
pad ti)r 3 seconds.
A two-beep signal will sound, tile word "I,OCK"
will appear in tile TIMER displa> and tile
Control I,ock light will turn on, indicating
that tile cooktop is locked. If tile cooktop is
locked while tile surtace units or timer are in
use, they will automatically turn off.
To unlock:
Touch and hold tile @ (CONTROl, I,OCK)
pad again for 3 seconds.
A two-beep signal will so/md, and tile Control
I,ock light will go out, indicating that tile
cooktop is unlocked.
the birchen
NOTE: 77zekitchen timer will NOT turn (_// ltte
,su@l_e units when the lime rea_he,s 0:00.
To operate tile kitchen timer, use tile pads
below the TIMER displa).
Touch tile ON/OFF pad and then touch
tile (+)/(-) pad to choose tile desired time
setting. If tile (+)/(-) pad is held t0r several
seconds, tile timer will increase or decrease
at a taster rate.
Atter you have chosen wmr desired time, tile
timer will automatically start to co/mt down
fl'om the hours/minutes that wm have selected.
When the timer counts down to the last
minute, the timer will co/mt down in seconds
tmtil 0:00. Then the control will beep twice
every five seconds tmtil the timer is turned off.
Touch the ON/OFF pad to tm'n the timer off.