Normal daily
use cleaning
ONLY use CEILAAVIA BRYTE: Ceranfic Cooktop
Cleaner on the glass cooktop. Other cretans may
not be as effective.
To maintain and protect tile surli_ce of yore _glass
cooktop, tollow these steps:
1. Bel0re using the cooktop lot the fi_st time,
clean it with CER,_dVIA BRYTE ®(]eramic
Cooktop Cleane_: This helps protect tile top
and makes cleanup easier:
2. Daily use of CEIL_dVIA BRYTE: Ceramic
(;ooktop Cleaner will help kee I) the cooktop
looking new.
3. Shake the cleaning cream well. Apply a tew
drops of CER,_dVIA BRYTE' Ceramic Cooktop
Cleaner directk to tile c{)oktop.
4. Use a paper towel or CEIL_dVIA BRYTE:
Cleaning Pad for Ceramic Cooktops to clean
the entire cooktop surti_ce.
5. Use a dry cloth or paper towel to remove all
cleaning residue. No need to rinse.
NOTE: It i,svery imporlanl lhal you DO NOT heat
lhe cooklo/) unlil il has been cleaned lhoroug'hly.
Clean yourcooktopafter each
Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner.
WARNING: DAMA(;E to your g'las:ssu@lce may
occur !/you use s_*_b pads olhe* lhaa the pad
inchtded with your coohtop.
1. Allow tile cooktop to cool.
2. Spread a tew drops of CEIU_dVIA BRYTE:
Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner on tile entire
burned residue area.
3. Using tile included CEIL_4A BRYTE:
Cleaning Pad for Ceramic (_ooktops, rub tile
residue area, applying pressure as needed.
4. If any residue remains, repeat the steps listed
above as needed.
5. For additional protection, after all residue
has been removed, polish tile entire surtace
with CEIL_dVIA BRYTE: Ceramic Cooktop
Cleaner and a paper towel.
Use a CERAMABRYTE®Cleaning
Padfor Ceramic Cooktops or a
Scotch-Brite_ Multi-Purpose No
Scratch blue scrub pad.
1. Allow tile cooktop to cool.
2. Use a single-edge razor blade scraper at
approximately a 45 ° angle against the glass
sm'thce and scrape the soil. It will be
necessary to apply pressure to tile razor
SCI'_lpeI" in order to rell/OVe tile residue.
3. After scraping with tile razor scrape_; spread
a few drops of CEIL_MA BRYTF Ceramic
Cooktop Cleaner on tile entire bm'ned residue
area. Use tile CEIU_d'dA BRYTE: Cleaning Pad
to remove any remaining residue.
4. For additional protection, after all residue
has been removed, polish the entire sm'thce
with CEIL_dVIA BRYTF' Ceramic Cooktop
Cleaner and a paper towel.
The CERAMABRYTE®Ceramic Cooktop
Scraper and all recommended supplies are
available through our Parts Center. See
instructions under "ToOrder Parts" section
on next page.
NOTE:Do not use adull or nicked blade.