_ k
(,lass Coo top Cleaning
Hadiant (oohtop
Metal mazes
and scratches
1. Be careflll not to slide pots and pans across
your cooktop. It will leave metal markings on
the cooktop sm+lhce.
These marks are removable using the CEIL_d¥IA
BRYTE ®Ceramic ()>oktop Cleaner with the
CEI_4A BRYTE= Cleaning Pad lot Ceramic
2. If pots with a thin overlay of almninmn or
copper are allowed to boil dry, the overlay
may leave black discoloration on the
This should be removed immediately
befl>re heating again or the discoloration
Ill'IV be l)eI+Ill_lIleIl[,
WARNING: Ca@d(_' ehak the bottom of Dan,E/br
rougltm_,_s thal wouhl serah:h the eoohtop+
AVER77SSEMENT: I;+h'!fiezsoig'neusement le,_
Jbnds de vos easserole,_ pour vous assur+.r qu 'ih
n'aient atu:une a@drile qui puisse endommag'er
la su@_ee de la tab# de euisson+
Glass Suriace - Potential for Permanent Damage
Damage from
sugary spills
and melted
Our testing" shows that if you are coohing high
sugar mixtures such as jelly or fudge and have a
spilloveg it can cause permanent damage to the
glass surface unless the spillover is immediately
1. Tm+n offall suriilce units. Remove hot pans.
2. Wearing an oven mitt:
a. Use a single-edge razor blade scraper
(CEIL_d_4A BRYTE ®Ceramic Cooktop
Scraper) to move the spill to a cool area
on the cooktop,
b, Remove the spill with paper towels,
3. Any remaining spillover should be left tmtil
the surtace of the cooktop has cooled.
4. Don't use the suriace traits again tmtil all of
the residue has been completely removed.
N07_: I/ pittint_" or indentation in the g'las:_su@lee
ha,_ already, oeeur_vcl, the eooktop glass will have to
be replaced+ In tiffs ease, service will be neees,_ary+
7b Order Parts To order CEIL_4A BRYTE" Ceramic Cooktop
Cleaner and the cooktop scraper; please call om+
toll-fl+ee nmnber:
National Parts Center 800.626.2002.
Coohtop Cleaner ............ # WX 10X300
CERAMA BRYI_ -_ Ceramic
Coohtop Scraper ........... # _,VX10X0302
Kit ........................ # _,VB64X5027
(Kit im hMe,_cream and eookt@ s_m/)e_)
CERAMA BRYI_ "_ Cleaning"
Pads for Ceramic Coohtops . .# _,_X10X350