H8172 Cement Mixer -13-
Drive Belt
Avoid getting grease or oil on the drive belt or
pulleys. Check the drive belt, as part of a monthly
inspection for proper tension and belt condition.
Cracking and glazing could result in belt failure.
Replace the belt if such conditions appear.
• Always unplug the cement mixer before
• Avoid getting water on the motor or switch
while cleaning. If you do, allow the compo
nents to thoroughly dry before plugging in the
• The easiest way to clean the drum is by
hosing it out with water. (Cleaning is made
much easier if you follow the
procedures in this section before using your
cement mixer.)
• Always clean the mixing drum immediately
after using it. As a general rule, the sooner
you clean, the easier it will be.
• For tough to remove buildup, use a stiff bristle
brush or a rag to make cleaning easier.
• Small, hardened cement splatters usually
can be removed by rubbing with a dry rag.
• Hardened cement can be scraped, chiseled
or pounded off with a hammer; however,
these actions WILL damage the surface area
of the drum, making it harder to clean in the
Always disconnect power
to the machine before
performing maintenance.
Failure to do this may
result in serious person
al injury.
Before every use, and while the mixing drum and
blades are clean and dry, wipe down the inside
of the mixing drum and blades with a light coat of
motor, hydraulic, or vegetable oil. This will prevent
most cement from sticking to these surfaces and
will make cleaning very easy.
An alternative to coating the drum interior with oil
is to spray the oil. Since most oils are too thick to
spray, use a mixture of half oil and half diesel fuel.
This is a common spray mixture used in commer
cial concrete construction to prevent sticking.
Remove the gear cover/guard. Lubricate the driv-
ing gear with a high-quality multi-purpose grease.
Re-install the gear cover/guard before reconnect
ing your machine to power.
Figure 15. Driving gear.