309521J 11
1. Connect 12 gauge ground wire (provided by
installer) from pneumatic control box (3) ground
screw (312, page 22) to metering valve manifold (6).
Refer to F
IG. 3.
2. Connect ground wire from each pump (2) to meter-
ing valve manifold (6).
3. Connect ground wire assembly (902) to fluid mani-
fold (6). Connect clamp end to a true earth ground
before starting unit.
Air Controls
Standard Setup
FIG. 1 and FIG. 3
1. Mount pneumatic control assembly (3) to mounting
plate (10). F
IG. 1.
2. Connect an air line (A and B) between each pneu-
matic valve (501) and pump air motor inlet. F
IG. 3.
3. Connect air supply from air manifold’s 5 micron air
filter (518) to control box air inlet (not shown).
4. Connect tubing (C and D) from solenoids to each
pneumatic valve (501).
5. Mount air supply filter (901) to cart/stand and con-
nect air supply (E) to air manifold (5) air inlet.
Read warnings, page 5, and follow instructions below.
Do not use air supply hose smaller than 3/4” (19
mm) ID. Smaller hose could restrict air flow and
cause alternator, solenoids, or Mac valves to mal-
function. Check air supply gauge at pump
changeover; air pressure should not drop.
36” (914 mm) hoses provided. Installer may pro-
vide different lengths.
The alternator requires 12-15 scfm of air to func-
tion correctly.
• Do not use 3/8” (9.5 mm) ID air supply tubing
longer than 24” (610 mm) from air filter to
control box air inlet.
• Do not restrict control box exhaust air.
Increased back pressure can cause a drop in
alternator power output, resulting in delayed valve
action and processor shutdown and reboot.