12 CATIA and Enova migration AIX 4.3 to AIX 5L Version 5.1
3.1 Shell scripts
With AIX 5L, there are a few functional enhancements of ksh, the Korn shell. The default shell
is still /usr/bin/ksh. It is hard linked to /usr/bin/psh, /usr/bin/sh, and /usr/bin/tsh. It is an
implementation of the 1988 version of the Korn Shell, enhanced to be POSIX compliant. In
addition to this shell, an unmodified version of the 1993 version of ksh is supplied as
/usr/bin/ksh93. This version is also POSIX compliant. For a detailed description of the
enhancements, refer to the KornShell Web site at:
One important issue is that the shell attribute is changed to the root user. In AIX Version 4.3 it
is /bin/ksh, which means it relies on the link between /bin and /usr/bin. This could lead to boot
problems because of the unavailability of a shell. The new shell attribute is /usr/bin/ksh. This
means that as part of your migration task, you need to verify the compatibility of your shell
3.2 CDE or TCL/Tk
To prepare the new AIX 5L environment for the workstation, all user-created Shell scripts,
CDE (Common Desktop Environment) enhancements, or TCL/Tk (Tool Command Language/
Toolkit) programs should be transferred to a new installed AIX 5L machine for verification.
Depending on the complexity and history of the programs, additional filesets are needed to
install, for example, compatibility libraries for X11R5 or older versions.
For user-written C, C++, or FORTRAN programs a functionality check is required to ensure
that all required libraries are installed on the machine. It is also a good time to recompile the
source programs in the new AIX 5L environment.
During the verification process, it is a good time to define a specific environment to store all
necessary software in a common installation filetree. In our example the path /usr/mylpp
represents a single file system with several subdirectories for different purposes. The
advantage in using this environment is that all programs are located in a common path and for
future changes the entire file system could be replaced. See Table 3-1.
At the end of all installation and verification tasks, the migrated machine represents the
"master client" or the "reference client". All future changes will be checked on the "master or
reference client" before distribution of updates to other servers.
Figure 3-1 Common filetree example