Chapter 4. Starting the migration 19
As the NIM master in a NIM environment has to be at the highest available AIX level, we set
up the NIM master at AIX 5L Version 5.2 with maintenance level 02. If your NIM master is
based on AIX Version 4.3.3, we recommend that you migrate the NIM master first to AIX 5L
Version 5.1 or 5.2 before starting to migrate the clients. For more information on how to set up
the NIM master refer to the AIX 5L Version 5.1 Network Installation Management Guide
located on the AIX Documentation CD; NIM: From A to Z in AIX 4.3, SG24-5524; or AIX
Version 4.3 to 5L Migration Guide, SG24-6924, which is also valid for AIX 5L.
There is nothing special to consider for the NIM master when you start a migration installation
on your clients.
For our migration we created the necessary AIX 5L Version 5.1 lpp_source and SPOT
resources by installing the content of all AIX 5.1 CDs into one lpp_source NIM resource and
used this lpp_source as the base installation device. Figure 4-2 shows the Web-based
System Manager launch panel for the test system NIM operation.
Figure 4-2 WebSM NIM launch panel
Beginning with AIX 5l Version 5.1, software license agreements are shipped and displayed
electronically, saving paper and allowing for electronic software distribution in the future. If you
start a migration over NIM, you have to check the “Accept new licence agreements” box, as
shown in Figure 4-3.