Location Of Your Jenn-Air Appliance Preparation Of Countertop
Locatethis applianceaway from combustiblematerialssuch The cutout inthe countertopintowhich theapplianceisto be
as window curtains and combustible wall decorations.The installed should be prepared according to the cutout
minimum horizontal clearance between the edge of the dimensionsgiven on page 1of theseinstructions.
applianceand adjacentcombustibleconstructionis:
• 0.75 inches (1.90cm) at rear; CAUTION: Cutoutdimensionsarecritical. Dimensionsmust
be measuredand cut accuratelyto within + 1/16" to ensure
• 2 inches (5.08cm) at sides
These minimum clearances pertain to vertical surfaces
between the countertop level and a level 18" above the Important Installation Suggestions:
countertop. 1. Chamfer all exposed edges of decorative countertop
.............................. laminateto prevent damagefrom chipping.
/ 2. Slightly radius corners of cutout and fileto insure smooth
/ edges and prevent corner cracking.
/' 3. Rough edges, inside corners which have not been rounded
j an ,orce f,tscanco tr, utetocrac ,n o,thecounte o
_._ laminate.
4. Unit mustbesupportedon all four sidesby the countertop
(45.7_ and countertop must be supported within 3" of edge of
1 cutout.
2. Installation Of Appliance
Figure 1: Minimum Horizontal Clearance Follow accompanying ducting instructions carefully,
NOTE:These are notrecommendedclearances,butrather appliance should be ducted separatelyfrom other vented
the minimumallowable clearances. Overall performance of appliances.
your cooktopwill be enhanced by providinga 6" or greater
clearanceon either sideof the unit. This appliance is designed for use with the gas appliance
Installing Cabinetry Over Your Cooktop pressureregulatorprovided.
Observethe followingclearancesto overheadcabinetry. The installation of this appliance must conform with local
codesor,inthe absenceoflocalcodes,withthe latestedition
ofthe NationalFuel GasCode, ANSIZ223.1 USA or current
This applianceisdesignedtooperateat apressureof5inches
ofwatercolumnon naturalgasor, ifconvertedforusewith LP
gas (propane or butane), 10 inches of water column. Make
t _ B _ surethis appliance is supplied with the type of gas for which
it is designed.
This appliancewasadjustedatthe factoryfor usewithnatural
gas. If, inthefuture,this applianceisto be usedon a differenttype of gas, all of the conversion adjustments describedon
Figure 2:MinimumClearancestoOverheadCabinetry pages4 and5 must be made bya servicetechnician or other
qualified personbefore attemptingto operatethe cooktop on
A = 30 inches (76.2 ¢m) minimum vertical clearance that gas. Naturalgas shouldbesupplied tothe applianceata
betweencookingsurfaceand combustibleconstruction line pressure between6 and 14 inchesof watercolumn or, if
or metalcabinets abovethe appliance.This clearance convertedfor LP gas, between 11and 14inches.
maybe reducedto not lessthan24 inches byprotecting
the underside of the combustible material or metal WARNING: Ifthe pressureofthe gas systemsupplying
cabinet above the cooking surface with not less than this applianceexceeds 14"W.C.,anexternalregulator(not
1/4-inch insulatingmillboard covered with sheet metal provided) must be installed in the gas line to reduce the
not lessthan 0.0122-inchthick.* systempressuretono morethan 14"W.C.Failuretodo this
B = 13 inches (33.0) maximumdepth of cabinets installed canresult in excessive gasflow and explosion.
Makesureyour applianceis suppliedwith the type of gas for
CAUTION: Avoid use of cabinetsabove cooktopfor storage which it is adjusted and that the gas is beingsupplied within
to eliminatepotentialhazard ofreachingoveropen flames, the appropriatepressurerange.
*Jenn-AirOver-the-Rangemicrowaveovens(model#M418 andM438)havebeenlistedbyULfor useoverGasandElectricRanges,Whenproperly