To set oven to start at future time and shut off automatically:
1.-4. FollowprecedingSteps1-4,
5. TouchStop Time Pad,
indicatorWordsSET STOP TIMEwillflash. Displaywillshowthe calculatedstop
time basedoncurrenttime ofday and cooktime,
6, Touch the Up Arrow Pad. A stop time can only be accepted for later inthe day.
Note: Sincefoodcontinuestocookifleft inthe oven,it issuggestedthattheclock
controlsbe used primarilyto startthe oven when no one is in the kitchen.
Provisionsshouldbe made to havethe foodremovedas soonas thesignal has
Example: Ifat 10 o'clockyou set theoven for350° for bakingand 2 hoursand
30 minutescookingtime,the calculatedstoptimewouldbe "12:30". The Display
If youwant the stoptimeto be 1 o'clock,touchthe Up Arrow Pad until"1:00"
appearsinthe DisplayWindow, The DisplayWindowwillshow:
If youwantthe DisplayWindowto returntothe currenttimeof day,touchClock
Pad, theDisplayWindowwillshow:
will beginto heat. 75°will be shown. As the oven heats, the Displaywill show
a risein incrementsof 5° untilprogrammedtemperatureis reached. Atthe end
of programmedCook Time, the ovenwillshut offautomaticallyand intermittent
"beeps"will beheard.Touch Cancel/Off Padto cancelbeeps.
To recall time function programmed: Touchthe appropriatetime pad.
To cancel: TouchCancel/Off Pad.
NOTE: If morethan30secondselapsebetweentouchingafunctionpadandtouching
the Up Arrow Pad, the oven is notset and Displaywillreturn to previous