• Tendercutof meat ormarinatedmeatsarebestfor broiling.Thisincludesriband
loincutsofsteak,groundbeef, ham steaks, lambchops,poultrypiecesor fish, For
best results,steaksshouldbe at least 1" thick. Thinnersteaks shouldbe pan-
• Do notcoverbroilergridwithfoilsincethis preventsfat drippingsfromdraininginto
bottomof pan.
• Beforebroiling,removeexcessfatfrommeatandscoreedgesoffat (donotoutinto
meat)to preventmeats from curling. Salt after cooking.
• To preventdry surfaceon fishor lean meats,brushmeltedbutteron top.
• Foodsthatrequireturningshouldbe turnedonly onceduringbroiling. Turn meat
withtongs to avoid piercingand lossofjuices.
Broiling Chart
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Note=Thischartis a suggestedguide. The times may varywithfood beingcooked.