1. Placeovenrackonthe rackpositionsuggestedinthe chart. Distancefrombroiling
burnerdepends onfoods beingprepared. Rackposition#4 isusuallyrecommended
unless otherwise stated.
2. Touch Broil Pad.
indicator Word BROIL and 000° will appear in the Display.
Note;/f more than 30 secondselapses between touching Broil Pad and touching
the Up or Down Arrow Pads, the oven is not set and the Display will return to
previous Display.
3. Touch the Up Arrow Pad to select Hi Broil or the Down Arrow Pad to select Lo
UseHi Broilfor mostbroil operations. Whenbroiling longer cookingfoods such as
porkchops, poultry orthick steaks, selectLo Broil. Lowtemperature broiling allows
food to cook to the well done stagewithout excessive browning.
Three seconds later, the broil burner will come on and the IndicatorWords BROIL
and ON will remain in the Display.
Example: If at 4 o'clock you setthe oven for broil (HI), the Display will show:
4, Placefood on broiler panprovidedwithoven. PREHEATbroil burnerfor 5 minutes.
5. Touch Cancel/Off Pad to turn off oven when food is cooked.