To set oven on bake"
t. Place even racks on proper reck positions.(See p.19)
2. Touch Bake Pad.
indicatorWord BAKEand "000°" will appearinthe Display.
Note: If morethan30 secondselapsebetween touchingBake Pad andtouching
theUp orDownArrow Pads, the ovenisnotsetand Displaywillreturntoprevious
3. TouchtheUp orDown Arrow Pads untildesiredoven temperatureappearsinthe
Display.(Allowablerangeis170°to 550°.) Note: ThefirsttaponsnArrow Padwill
giveyou350° intheDisplay. After3 secondsthe ovenwillbeginto preheat. The
IndicatorWordsON and BAKEwillappearintheDisplay.The temperatureshown
willbe 75° orthe oventemperaturewhicheverishigher.
Example: If at 10 o'clockyouset theovenfor350°forbaking,after3 secondsthe
5 °
Duringthe preheat,the Displaywillshowa risein 5° incrementsuntilprogrammed
temperatureis reached. When theoven ispreheated,the ovenwillbeep, theON
and BAKEindicatorWords and programmedoventemperaturewill remaininthe
Note: Oven willpreheatforapproximately7 to 10 minutes.
To recalltemperature set during preheat: Touchthe Bake Pad. Temperaturewill
be brieflydisplayed,thenwillautomaticallyreturnto on-goingprogram.
To change temperature set: TouchtheBake Padand touchthe Up or Down Arrow
Padsfor a newdesiredtemperature.
4. TouchCancel/Off Pad to turnoven offat endof baking.