Checkthe following list to be sure a service call is reallynecessary.
If surface burner falls to light:
• check to be sure uni_is properly connected to power supply.
• check for a blown circuit fuse or a tripped main circuit breaker.
• check to be sure burner is correctly rated for your type of gas.
• check to be sure burner ports or ignition ports are not clogged.
• checktobesureigniterisdryandclicking. Bumerwillnotlightifigniterisdamaged,
soiled or wet. If igniter doesn't click, turn control knob OFF.
If the flame is uneven:
• burnerportsmay be clogged.
• flame settingmay need to be adjusted,
If surface burner flame lifts off the ports:
• checktobe sure a pot issittingonthe grateabove,
• contact an authorizedJenn-AirService Contractor.
if surface burner flame is yellow in color:
• contact an authorizedJenn-AirServiceContractor,
If nothing on the range operates:
• check for a blowncircuitfuseor a trippedmain circuitbreaker.
• check if range is properly connected to electric circuit in house.
If clock, indicator words, and/or lights operate but oven does not
• the controlsmay havebeen set incorrectly,
• clockcontrolsmay be set for delayed start of oven.
If the oven light does not work:
• the lightbulb is loose or defective,
• oven lightdoes notwork duringself-cleaningprocess,
If oven will not go through self-cleaning process:
• controlsmay be improperlyset.
• door maynot be locked.
• checkthe "Clean"and"Stop"timesettingsandthecurrenttimeof dayontheclock.
If oven did not clean properly:
• ovenmay need longer cleaningtime.
• excessivespillswere not removedpdor to se_f-cleanlngprocess.
If oven door will not unlock:
• ovenmay nothave cooledto safetemperatureafter self-cleaningprocess.