Care and Cleaning ]8
• When cool, clean with soap and water, rinse and dry.
• Use a glass cleaner and a soft cloth.
NOTE: Never use oven cleaners, abrasive or caustic liquid or powdered cleansers on plastic
finishes. These cleaning agents will scratch or mar finish.
NOTE: To prevent staining or discoloration, wipe up fat, grease or acid (tomato, lemon,
vinegar, milk, fruit juice, marinade) immediately with a dry paper towel or cloth.
Cleaning Products
Because ofthe many new cleaning products introduced in the • Multi-Surface Cleaners - Formula 409 Glass & Surface,
marketplace each year, it is not possible to list all products Windex Glass & Surface.
that can be safely used to clean this appliance. Listed below
• Nonabrasive Cleaners - Bon Ami, paste of baking soda
are just a few examples of recommended products, and water.
ALWAYS READ THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUC- • Mildly Abrasive Powder or Liquid Cleaners -Ajax, Bar-
TIONS to be sure the cleaner can be safely used on this
keepers Friend, Cameo, Soft Scrub, Smart Cleanser. (Note:
appliance. If the cleaner is recommended for use on plastic, glass, or
To determine if a cleaning product is safe, test a small porcelain finishes, it can be used on the same type of
inconspicuous area using a very light pressure to see if the appliance finish.)
surface mayscratch or discolor. This is particularly important • Nonabrasive or Scratehless Plastic or Nylon Scouring
for porcelain enamel, highly polished, shiny, painted, or
Pads or Sponges - Chore Boy Plastic Cleaning Puff,
plastic surfaces. Scrunge Scrub Sponges, Scotch-Brite No Scratch Pads.
The following brands may help you to make an appropriate • Abrasive Scouring Pads - S.O.S., Brillo Steel Wool Soap,
selection: Scotch-Brite Wool Soap Pads.
• Glass Cleaners - Cinch, Glass Plus, Windex. (Brand namesfor the above cleaning products are registered
trademarks of the respective manufacturers.)
• Dishwashing Liquid Detergents - Dawn, Ivory, Joy.
• Mild Liquid Spray Cleaners - Fantastik, Formula 409.