________.,SI If-CLIAHOVEN O,eanoven ovenheats,youmayhearso,nds
frame,door ____ ',I of metalpartsexpandingandcontract-
frame(area _ ing.Thisis normalandwill notdamage
outside of oven.
> It is normalforpartsofthe rangeto andaround
becomehotduringa cleancycle, the open- AFTERSELF-CLEANING
> Avoidtouchingcooktop,door,win- ing in the doorgasketwitha nonabra-
dow, or oven vent area during a sivecleanersuchas BonAmior deter- About one hour after the end of the
cleancycle, gentand water. Theseareasare not clean cycle, the LOCK indicatorlight
exposedtocleaningtemperaturesand will turn off. At this point,the door can
> To preventdamageto oven door, shouldbe cleanedto preventsoilfrom be opened.
do not attempt to open the door bakingon duringthe cleancycle.
when the LOCK indicatorword is Somesoil mayleavea lightgray,pow-
displayed, deryashwhichcanbe removedwitha
To preventdamage,do not clean or dampcloth.If soil remains,it indicates
> Donotusecommercialovenclean- rub the gasketaroundthe ovendoor. that the clean cycle was not long
erson the self-cleanovenfinish or The gasketis designedto seal in heat enough.The soil will be removeddur-
aroundanypartofthe ovenasthey duringthe cleancycle, ingthe nextcleancycle.
wiltdamagethe finishor parts. If the ovenrackswere left in the oven
Wipe up excess greaseor spillovers anddo notslidesmoothlyafteraclean
The self-cleancycleusesabovenormal from the oven bottom to prevent cycle,wipe racksand embossedrack
cookingtemperaturesto automatically excessivesmoking,flare-upsor flare- supportswith a small amount of veg-
cleantheentireoveninterior, ingduringthe cleancycle, etableoil torestoreeaseof movement.
It is normal for flare-ups,smoking or Wipe up sugary and acidic spillovers Finelines mayappearinthe porcelain
flamingto occur duringcleaningif the such as sweet potatoes, tomato or resultingfrom the heatingand cooling
oven is heavily soiled. It is betterto milk-basedsauces.Porcelainenamel of the finish.Thisis normalandwillnot
cleanthe oven regularlyratherthanto is acid resistant,not acid proof.The affectperformance.
wait until there is a heavybuild-upof porcelainfinish may discolor if acidic
soil inthe oven. spillsare not wipedup priorto a self- A whitediscolorationmayappearafter
cleancycle, cleaningif acidicor sugaryfoodswere
During the cleaning process, the not wiped up before the clean cycle.
kitchenshouldbewellventilatedto help This discolorationis normal and will
eliminatenormalodors associatedwith NOTaffectperformance.
When the LOCK indicatorlights, the
door cannot be opened. To prevent
BEFORESELF-CLEANING damage to door, do not force door
Turnoff the oven lightbeforecleaning openwhenthe LOCKlightis illuminat-
as the light may burn out during the ed.
Somesmokeandodormaybe detect-
Removebroilerpan, all pans and the ed the first few times the oven is
oven racks from the oven. The oven cleaned.This is normalandwill lessen
racks will discolor and may not slide intime. Smokemayalsooccur if oven
easilyaftera self-cleancycle, is heavilysoiledor if broiler pan was
left inoven.