greasefires,use bakingsodaor a dry oven vent, surfaces near the vent Alwaysletquantitiesof hotfat usedfor
chemicalor foam-typeextinguisherto opening,ovendoorand areasaround deep fat fryingcool beforeattempting
smotherfire orflame, doorandwindow, to moveor handle.
WARNING: NEVER use appliance Do not let cooking grease or other
(HI[D S,_f[ff door,or drawer,if equipped,as a step flammablematerialsaccumulatein or
stoolor seatas thismayresultin pos- nearthe appliance,hoodor vent fan.
NEVERleavechildrenalone or unsu- sibletippingof theappliance,damage Clean hood frequently to prevent
pervisedneartheappliancewhenit is to the appliance,andseriousinjuries, greasefromaccumulatingon hoodor
in useor is still hot. Donottoucha hotovenlightbulbwith filter. When flaming foods under the
hood,turn thefan on.
NEVERallow childrento sit or stand a dampcloth asthe bulbcouldbreak.
on any part of the applianceas they Should the bulb break, disconnect NEVERweargarmentsmadeof flare-
couldbe injuredor burned, powerto the appliancebeforeremov- mablematerialor loose-fittingor long-
ing bulbto avoidelectricalshock, sleevedapparelwhilecooking.Cloth-
Childrenmustbetaughtthatthe appli- ingmayigniteor catchutensilhandles.
anceandutensilsin it can be hot. Let
hotutensilscoolin a safeplace,outof (00KIN6 S,_f[ff Alwaysplaceovenracksinthedesired
reach of small children. Children positions while oven is cool. Slide
shouldbe taughtthat an applianceis Alwaysplacea panon a surfaceburn- oven rackout to addor removefood,
not a toy. Children should not be er beforeturning it on. Be sure you usingdry, sturdy pot holders.Always
allowedto play with controlsor other know which knobcontrolswhich sur- avoidreachinginto theovento addor
partsof the unit. face burner. Make sure the correct removefood. Ifa rackmustbe moved
burneristurnedon and thatthe burn- whilehot,usea drypotholder.Always
CAUTION:NEVERstore itemsof in-
er has ignited.Whencookingis corn- turnthe ovenoffat theendofcooking.
terestto childrenincabinetsabovean
pleted,turnburneroffbeforeremoving Usecarewhenopeningtheovendoor.
applianceor on backguardofa range, pan to prevent exposure to burner Let hot air or steam escape before
Children climbing on the appliance flame, movingor replacingfood.
doorto reachitemscouldbe seriously
injured. Alwaysadjustsurfaceburnerflameso PREPAREDFOOD WARNING: Fol-
thatitdoesnotextendbeyondthebot- lowfood manufacturer'sinstructions.If
_BOUT fOUR _,IPP[IAN([ tom edge of the pan. An excessive a plasticfrozenfood containerand/or
flame is hazardous, wastes energy its cover distorts, warps,or is other-
and may damagethe appliance,pan wise damagedduringcooking,imme-
NEVER use appliance as a space orcabinetsabovetheappliance, diatelydiscardthe food and its con-
heaterto heator warma roomto pre-
vent potentialhazardto the user and NEVERleavea surface-cookingoper- tainer.The food couldbe contaminat-
damagetothe appliance.Also,do not ation unattended, especially when ed.
use the cooktopor ovenas a storage usinga highheatsettingorwhendeep NEVERuse aluminumfoil to coveran
areaforfood orcookingutensils, fat frying. Boilovers cause smoking oven rack or oven bottom. Misuse
and greasy spillovers may ignite, could result in risk of electricshock,
Donotobstructtheflowofcombustion Cleanupgreasyspillsas soonaspos- fire, or damageto the appliance.Use
andventilationair byblockingtheoven sible.Donot usehighheatfor extend- foilonlyas directedinthis guide.
vent or air intakes.Restrictionof air ed cookingoperations.
flowtothe burnerpreventsproperper-
formanceand increasescarbonmen- NEVER heatan unopenedcontainer Uf[NSI[ S,_f[ff
oxideemissionto unsafelevels, on the surfaceburneror in the oven.
Pressurebuild up maycausecontain-
Avoid touchingoven vent area while er toburst,resultingin seriousperson- Use pans with flat bottomsand han-
dles that are easilygraspedand stay
oven is on and for several minutes al injuryor damageto theappliance.
afterovenis turnedoff. Somepartsof cool. Avoid using unstable, warped,
theventandsurroundingareabecome Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damppot easily tipped or loose-handledpans.
holdersmaycauseburnsfromsteam. Also avoid using pans, especially
hotenoughto causeburns.Afteroven
Dishtowelsor othersubstitutesshould small pans, with heavy handles as
is turned off, do not touch the oven
vent or surroundingareas until they neverbe usedaspot holdersbecause they could be unstableand easily tip.
havehadsufficienttimeto cool. theycan trail acrosshotsurfaceburn- Pans that are heavy to move when
ers and ignite or get caught on appli- filled with food may also be hazard-
Other potentiallyhot surfacesinclude ancepads. ous.
cooktop, areas facing the cooktop,