Read and follow all instructions technicianshow you the locationof the Keepareaaroundapplianceclearand
before using this appliance to prevent gasshut off valve andhowto shut it off free fromcombustiblemateriats,gaso-
the potentialriskof fire, electricshock, in an emergency, line, and otherflammablevapors and
personalinjury or damageto the appli- materials.
ance as a result of improperusage of Always disconnectpower to appliance If applianceis installedneara window,
the appliance.Useapplianceonlyfor its beforeservicing.
properprecautionsshouldbe takento
intendedpurpose as described in this prevent curtains from blowing over
NEVERleave any itemson the cook-
top. The hot air from the vent may
IF THE INFORMATION IN THIS ignite flammable items and may
MANUAL IS NOT FOLLOWED >- ALL RANGES _ increasepressureinclosedcontainers
EXACTLY, A FIRE OR EXPLO- CAN TIP AND _ whichmaycausethemto burst.
SlON MAY RESULT CAUSING CAUSE Manyaerosol-typespraycansareEX-
AL INJURY OR DEATH. PERSONS may be highlyflammable.Avoid their
> DO NOTSTOREOR USEGASO- > INSTALL _ useorstoragenearan appliance.
LINE OR OTHER FLAMMABLE ANTI-TIP (_ Manyplasticsare vulnerableto heat.
VAPORS AND LIQUIDS IN THE DEVICE Keep plastics away from parts of the
VACINITY OF THIS OR ANY PACKED appliancethat may becomewarm or
APPLIANCE. WITH RANGE hot. Do not leaveplasticitemson the
> WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL > FOLLOW ALL INSTALLA- cooktopas they may meltor softenif
GAS: TION INSTRUCTIONS left too close to the vent or a lighted
- Do not try to light any appli- WARNING: To reduce risk of To eliminate the hazard of reaching
ante. tipping of the appliance from overhotsurfaceburners,cabinetstor-
- Do not touch any electrical abnormal usage or by exces- age should not be provided directly
switch, sire loading of the oven door, abovea unit. If storageis provided,it
- Do not use any phone in your the appliance must be se- should be limitedto itemswhicharc
building, cured by a properly installed usedinfrequentlyandwhicharesafel_
-Immediately call your gas anti-tip device, stored in an area subjectedto hen
supplier from a neighbor's from an appliance.Temperaturesmat
phone. Follow the gas sup- Tocheckif deviceis properlyinstalled, be unsafe for some items, such a._
plier's instructions, removestoragedraweror broilercorn- volatile liquids, cleaners or aeroso
- If you cannot reach your gas partmentand look underneathrange sprays.
supplier, call the fire depart- with a flashlightto make sure one of
rnent, the rear leveling legs is properly
INSTALLATION AND SERVICE engagedin the bracketslot. The anti- IN(AS[0FfIRE
MUST BE PERFORMED BY A tipdevicesecuresthe rearlevelingleg
to the floor when properly engaged. Turnoffapplianceandventilatinghooc
QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN,SER- You should check this anytime the to avoid spreading the flame
VICE AGENCY OR THE GAS rangehas beenmoved. Extinguishflame,thenturn on hoodtc
SUPPLIER. removesmokeandodor.
COOKTOP:Smotherfire or flamein
To ensureproperand safe operation: TOPREVENTfiR[ pan with a lid or cookiesheet. Neve
Appliancemustbe properlyinstalledand usewateron a greasefire.
groundedby a quatifiedtechnician.Do SMOKEDAM.G[not attemptto adjust,repair,service,or OR OVEN DOOR:If fire is in the oven c
replace any part of your appliance broiler pan, smotherby closing ove,
unlessit is specificallyrecommendedin Be sure all packing materials are door.
this guide.All otherservicingshouldbe removed from the appliance before Neverattempt to pick up or move
referredto a qualifiedservicer.Havethe operatingit. flaming pan. Do not use water ot