• Beforethefirstuse, wash your new grill gratesin hotsoapywater, rinseand dry.
Then "season"the surface by wiping on a thin coating of cookingoil. Remove
excessoil by wipingagain with anotherpapertowel. This procedureshouldbe
repeated when either: a) cleaning in the dishwasher since the detergent may
removeseasoning,orb)anytimea sugar-basedmarinade(forexample,barbecue
sauce) is goingtobe used.
• Preheat the grill on HI for 5 minutes. Preheating improvesthe flavor and
appearance of meats and quicklysears the meat to help retainthe juices. The
heatingelementshouldglow a brightcherryred.
• Usenonmetallicspatulasorutensi/stopreventdamagingtheExcalibur®nonst/ck
grill grate finish.
• Excessive amounts of fat should be trimmed from meats. Onlya normalamount
is necessaryto producethe smoke needed for that smoked, "outdoor"flavor.
Excessivefat can create cleaningand flare-upproblems.
• Allowing excessive amounts of grease or drippings to constantly flame voids the
warranty on the grill grates. Excessiveflare-upsindicatethat eitherthegrillinterior
needs to be cleaned or that excessiveamounts of fat are in the meat or the meat
was notproperlytrimmed.
• Greasedrippingswill occasionallyigniteto produceharmlesspuffsof flame for a
secondortwo. This is a normal partofthe cookingprocess.
Should excess grease cause sustained flare-up
1. Turn on FAN manually.
2. Immediatelyturn grillcontrol(s)to OFF.
3. Removemeat from gdll.
• Do not use aluminumfoil insidethe gri, area.
• Do not use charcoalorwood chipsinthe grillarea.
• Do notallow gdll-recksto become overloadedwith grease. Clean frequently.
• Donotcovergratescompletelywithmeat. Leave airspacebetweeneachsteak,
etc. to allow proper ventilationas well as preventflare-ups.