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• When cookingfoods for the first time in your newoven, use recipe cooking times
and temperaturesas a guide.
• Use tested recipesfrom reliablesources.
• Preheatthe ovenonly when necessary. For bakedfoodsthat rise andfor richer
browning,a preheatedoven isbetter. Casserolescan be startedina cold oven.
Preheatingtakesfrom7to 11 minutes;placefoodinovenafterPREHEAT Indicator
Wordcycles off.
• Arrangeoven racksbeforeturningon oven. Followsuggestedrackpositionson
page 21 and invariousbaking charts.
• AllowaboutI to l½ inchesof space betweentheovensidewalls andpanstoallow
properair circulation.
• Whenbakingfoods in morethan one pan, placethem on oppositecornersof the
rack. Stagger pans when baking on two racksso that one pan does not shield
anotherunless shieldingis intended.(See above left.)
• To conserveenergy,avoidfrequentor prolongeddoor openings. At the end of
cooking,turnoven offbeforeremovingfood.
• Alwaystestfor aloneness(fingertip,toothpick,sidespullingawayfrompan). Donot
rely on time or brownnessas only indicators.
• Use good quality baking pans and the size recommended in the recipe.
• Dull,dark, enameledor glasspanswillgenerally producea brown,crisp crust. Shiny
metal pans produce a light, golden crust.
• Frozen pies in shiny aluminum pans should be baked on a cookie sheet on rack 2
or be removed to a dull or glass pan.
• If edgeof pie crustbrowns tooquickly,fold astrip of foilaround rimof crust, covering
edge. (See above right.)