Jenn-Air VVV COMPACTORS Trash Compactor User Manual

2. Liftthe front ofthe drawer to clearthe stops. ,.... _ .................
3. Graspthe draweronthe sides and pullit out therest of the Yourcompactor won't operate
way.Set the drawerdowngently. __ .........................
Isthe power supplycordunplugged?
Hasa householdfuse or circuitbreakertripped?
Replacethefuseor resetthe circuitbreaker,
- Is the drawer completelyclosed?
Closethe drawerfirmlyand start the compactor again.
Isthe Key-Knobturned all theway to START?
4. Vacuumthe insideof the cabinet,Liquidspillsor wet trash Turnthe Key-Knob(Key-Switch)fully to STARTand release
shouldbe cleanedup byhand, or by usinga vacuum (onsomemodels), Seethe "Starting YourCompactor"
designedto pickup liquids, section.
Didyou pressONbefore pressingSTART?
PressONbeforepressing START(on some models).Seethe
"Starting YourCompactor" section.
The drawer won't open
Isthe ram all theway up?
Drawerwill openonly whenram isfully raised.
Toraise the ram on models with e Key-Knob (or Key-
5. Washthe insideof the cabinetwith cleansponge orsoft Switch):
cloth and a mild detergentin warm water.Rinseand dry Turnthe Key-Knob(Key-Switch)to STARTand release.See
thoroughlyw(th a softcloth, the "Starting YourCompactor" section.
6. Toreplacethedrawer, graspit by the sidesand insertthe Toraisethe ram onmodelswith push button controls:
rollersontothe tracks. PressOFF,andthen pressON.See the "StartingYour
7. Liftthe frontof the drawerandpushit infully pastthestops. Compactor"section.
CleaningtheRam Thereisnotenoughcompactionorforce
NOTE:Youmaywanttowearprotectiveglovesastheremaybe Doyou use the compactingcyclefrequentlyenough?
bitsofglassonthe ramcover. Compactingworksbestwhenonlya fewitems are loaded.
1. Wipeglassparticlesoffof theramcoverwitha clothorpaper ............................
towels. Bottlesdon't break
2, Removefoodswitha cleanspongeorsoftclothanda mild
detergentinwarmwater.Rinseand drythoroughlywith a soft How often do younoticethis?
cloth. Bottleswillnotbreakeverytime.Thethicknessof thebottle
L._ glassandthe content of the trash loadbelow itmay preyer
the bottlefrom breaking,
......""-'_" P_I= HDPE V
If youwillbe awayformorethanacoupleofdays,removethe
itc°mpact°rbag. RemovetheKey-Knob(or Key-Switch)andstOreoutof children'sreach. _1_ _ _
TROUBLESHOOTING Thesecodesindicatewhichtypeofplasticwasused
Trythe solutions suggestedherefirst In orderto avoidthe recycling.
cost ofan unnecessaryservice call,
Isthe drawer lessthan half full? OTHER
Drawermustbe morethan halffull beforetrashis Plasticswiththissymbolcannotberecycled,