'_ ............ 6. CarefullyIjftthe front slightJyand rol}compactor into the
Undercounter Installal]on cabinet opening.
Usingthetwo #8-18x I/2in. screws, fastenthe retaining
1. Measurethe heightof your cabinet opening.Thetop of the bracketsto the countertopwith the mounting screws.
compactorshould be at least 1_in. (3mm)from the top of the
cabinet opening, if bracketscannot be attached to the undersideof
countertop, attach mountingclips to brackets.Fasten
Therearwheelsare presetfor a cabinet openingof 34 1/4in. compactorto cabinet frontwith mounting screwsthrough
(87cm).See PositionA inpicturefollowing, mountingclips.
Toadjust for other cabinet opening heights: Countertop Mounting
• Loosenself-tapping screwjust enoughto clearstud from
hole In Position =A,"
needed foryour cabinet opening measurement: 1.........
PositionB: 341/4in. to 347Asin. (87 to 87.5 cm) ..........
PositionC:347A6in. to34% in. (87.5to88 cm)
NOTE:Tolevelthe unitinposition"C," youmay needto
addshimsunderthe levelinglegs.
• Tighten screw.Repeatfor otherrearwheel.... _,
0 .................2 1,Countertop
B,,.............._,.,3 Cabinet-frontmounting
"" • 3
3.Locatingstud 2 ......... "
2. Usepliersto lowerlevelinglegsaway from cabinet. Adjust
legsso therewill be a _/_in. (3ram)to _,4in. (6.4ram)space
betweenthe top ofthe compactor andthe top of the cabinet
1,Mount#i clip
opening.Stand the compactor upright. 2.Cabinet
3. Movethe compactorclose to its finalposition. 3.Retainingbracket
4. Plug into agrounded 3 prongoutlet. 4.Mountingscrew
5. Determineif youwant the compactor frame or drawerfront 7. Graspsides ofcompactor drawerand place bottom of
flushwith the cabinet front, drawer intotracks.Lift atthe handleso drawerwill go ova
Usingthe two#8-18 x _s in.screws,installthe retaining drawer stops. Closedrawer.Check to seeif drawer open_
brackets to cabinet top as needed: freely.If thetoe platerubs against floor,see"Adjustingth
ToePlate"forfurther instructions.
• If the compactorframe isto be flush with thecabinet _ ..........
front, placeretainingbracket screwsthrough "A."
Adjusting the Toe Plate
• if the compactordrawer front is to beflush with the _ .........,
cabinetfront, place retainingbracket screwsthrough If the toe platerubsthe floor covering,the toe plate clearanc,
"C," may be changedasfollows:
• Ifthe compactoris to bemidway between"A" and 1. Markon eachside ofthe toe platethe amount oftoe pla
"C", placetheretainingbracketscrewsthrough"B." thatrubsthe floorcovering.
..................t 2. Removethe drawerfromthe unit.(SeeStep3 inthe
,,............. . _. ,. :::.....= "Unpacking Your Compactor" section.)
i 3, Use aruleranda pencil or cha)kto drawa line between
markson each side of toe plate.
__ 4. Usescissorsorutilityknifeto cut toe platealongline.
eA 5. Replacedrawer.Iftoe plate stillrubs floorcovering,rep_